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Call Us  (605) 224-8785

Mike’s Cell: (605) 381-3427

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The Store, 119 Deadwood St, PO Box 398, Fort Pierre, SD 57532

Our Story, Our Store, Our Products

Dakota Emporium Trailer
Pow Wow Vendor
Dakota Emporium Trading Post Trailer

Our Store on Wheels

On the Pow-Wow Trail

Rez Runs Spring & Fall

Mike Peterson opened the Dakota Emporium in November 2000. Mike and Sue initially set up the business in the Pierre Mall for Christmas in 2003 only, then with a summer store in Hill City S.D., 


We opened a year round store in the Pierre Mall in October 2007 and sadly Sue passed away in February 2008. The business moved to the 100 year old bank building in Fort Pierre in 2013, and has been growing consistently year after year. 

In 2009 Mike purchased a portable store trailer for Pow Wows and Rez Runs (taking the store to the people).  Mike says,

"Our store is a store for native people selling the items they need a want but we are open to everyone. This is with out a doubt the most enjoyable job I have ever done. It’s not a job for me it’s my way of life."

Drum Making Supplies
Hides, Cow, Deer, Elk, Buffalo
Buffalo Robes
Jewelry Making Supplies
Pendleton Blankets, Clothing, Backpacks
and so much more......

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